E3 Job Fair 9/25/08 in Denver

The 7th Annual E3 Job Fair will be held at the Colorado Convention Center in downtown Denver on Thursday, September 25, 2008 from 11am to 5pm. This year, Energy will be highlighted as one of the high-growth industries.

The energy industry employs: engineers (electrical, petroleum, reservoir, mechanical, civil, etc.), scientists (all disciplines), technicians, environmental health and safety staff, accountants, administrative assistants, managers, marketing & PR representatives, HR staff, graphic designers, salespeople, real estate professionals/landmen, IT & GIS staff , security guards, roustabouts, roughnecks, gang pushers, solar installers, drillers, energy auditors, linemen, wind technicians, welders, pipefitters, mechanics, equipment operators and more! See a video from 9News of last year's E3 job fair here.

Jobseekers must be registered in Colorado Department of Labor & Employment's free job bank ConnectingColorado in order to attend. They should also prepare well in advance to meet energy employers by:

- researching the companies in advance to learn of their goals, priorities, etc. and reviewing their job listings
- asking a trusted friend, family member, mentor or career advisor to critique their resume -- jobseekers can ask workforce advisors at their local workforce center to critique their resume
- triple checking resumes for grammatical and spelling errors
- tailoring resumes to reflect what they can do for that specific company (versus what the company can do for them) - also have properly formatted electronic versions available to post or cut & paste on companies' employment/HRIS websites
- make sure email address on resumes are professional (not something like "ISleepInEveryDay@...", and check to make sure phone voice mail greetings are professional as well (i.e., don't record any long songs that will make a busy recruiter hang up instead of leaving a message)
- dressing appropriately
- watching the videos in the "Job links" post, and this one-minute "Job Fair Video"
- following up with the employer after the fair

More information about the E3 Job Fair, including a list of over 100 participating employers, will soon be available on CDLE's E3 website.

Participating Energy employers, training providers, and related organizations include:

- Aerotek
- Ascent Solar Technologies Inc.
- AVA Solar
- Baker Hughes
- Center for Transportation Safety
- CoorsTek
- DCP Midstream
- Ensign United States Drilling
- Environmental Protection Agency
- GE Wind Energy
- Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc
- Key Energy
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Petroleum Field Services
- Pioneer Natural Resources
- Pipefitters Local 208
- PrimeStar Solar
- Red Rocks Community College-Industrial Science & Operations
- SolSource
- SOS Staffing
- Tri-State Generation & Transmission
- Ulteig Engineers
- Western Area Power Administration
- Xcel Energy

Additional Energy career fairs and expos are scheduled throughout the state of Colorado this summer and fall. Refer to this poster, or my Job Fairs post for a list of dates and locations.

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