NREL analyst positions

I was recently included in an e-mail distribution with the following information and am posting it below for qualified individuals who may be interested in applying.

"NREL has a few job openings and we are looking for stellar people to fill them. The first is a senior finance and policy analyst, and the other is to manage the Markets & Policies Impact Analysis Group. The management position would manage staff and provide strategic guidance about NREL's overall market and policy analysis; it is geared for folks that are more senior with management experience). Please forward this to anyone interested in working on analysis of renewable project financing, markets and policies."

NREL is the acronym for National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is located in Golden, Colorado. It is the nation's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. Their primary research facilities include:

- Alternative Fuels Users Facility
- Field Test Laboratory Building
- Outdoor Test Facility
- Science & Technology Facility
- Solar Energy Research Facility
- Solar Furnace
- Solar Radiation Research Laboratory
- Thermal Test Facility

Their website has tons of information about renewable energy and energy efficiency and is a very valuable resource to anyone wanting to learn about this industry.

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